When it comes to raising money, the biggest target is always the easiest target. Witness the proposed voter Initiative 77 that calls for a tax on all espresso beverages sold in, of all places, Seattle, Washington. Yes, the home of the largest chain of coffee shops in the world, Starbucks, may vote to take aim at one of its largest targets.

Initiative 77 on the September primary election ballot outlines a tax of 10 cents on “any beverage prepared for immediate consumption containing half an ounce or more of espresso regardless of caffeine content, whether served hot or cold.” Revenues from the ‘espresso tax’ are earmarked for children’s preschool and daycare. The initiative was originally proposed last year but was delayed by the city council.

Businesses doing less than $50,000 in gross annual sales are exempt from charging the tax. Humm, wonder who they’re targeting?

News, Starbucks