Summit Innovations is proud to announce the first-ever drive-thru live ranking technology, with the launch of the Summit Pure Timing System’s Dynamic Ranking platform for Pollo Campero.

Pollo Campero is now live ranking results across three nations. The competition launched with the Guatemala, El Salvador, and now the U.S.

This advanced platform enables the three countries to compete and compare drive-thru operations live across the nations, sparking great competition between the three countries.

The directors from Pollo Campeo are excited to see the lift in sales with the significant improvement in drive-thru operations, with some units as much as 40 percent reduction in times.

The dynamic ranking system is used in Australia, the U.S., Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, just to name a few. This platform has been proven to enhance restaurant performance through competition.

Drive Thru, News, Operations, Pollo Campero