How to Conquer Customer Acquisition

Between inflation, staffing shortages, and a looming recession, restaurant leaders must prepare for a challenging 2023. With high costs for ingredients and other supplies, operators must either absorb costs in their restaurant profit margins or raise menu prices and risk alienating loyal customers. How can restaurants offset these increasing costs and grow their business? By […]

Top 3 Quick-Service Restaurant Trends

In this speedy, 15-minute webinar, learn what Near discovered in its latest restaurant research report, what these findings means for quick-service restaurants, and winning strategies you can implement today. For the research, Near surveyed diners across generational lines to discover their dining habits, preferences, and loyalties. Those results, combined with mobile location data, provide a […]

How Location Technology is Impacting Today’s Digital Teams

Digital and product leaders from quick-service restaurants need to adopt technology in order to exceed consumer expectations about speed and quality of service. Location technology gives quick serves a leg up on the competition by solving several common challenges at once. In this session, Radar CEO and Co-Founder Nick Patrick will discuss how leading quick […]

How to Build a Bulletproof Bench by Rethinking Human Capital in a Post-COVID Era

COVID-19 has required workers increasingly to rely on technology platforms to look for side hustles, and many have moved on from the hospitality industry during this time. However, a new generation of workforce is quietly surfacing, and their voice has yet to be heard. With a strong demand in labor and toxic turnover rate outlasting […]

The Ripple Effect of Hiring Mistakes: Why You Can’t Afford to “Go With Your Gut” in 2023

Discover how to overcome the ripple effects of hiring mistakes that are preventing your business from being successful in the new year. We’ll discuss how rethinking your hiring process helps tackle high employee turnover, rising operational costs, and shifting customer expectations. You’ll walk away with the knowledge and confidence to thrive — not just survive […]

Top 2023 Restaurant Predictions

You probably heard the term “return to normalcy” more times than you could count this year. While COVID rates have dropped 90% according to the WHO, it’s hard to identify when the “post-pandemic” era will begin, particularly for the restaurant industry, which has been turned upside down in the last two years. Restaurant365 is hosting […]

QSR® Drive-Thru Report: Reviewing the 2022 Results

Technology and innovation inspired by COVID-19 have turned quick service’s biggest category into something hardly recognizable. In this webinar we’ll look at how that’s playing out for today’s restaurant operators. From a data perspective, we’ll dive into the top results of the annual Intouch Insight Drive-Thru Study, exploring the state of speed of service, order […]

Bringing in the Green: How QSR Owners are Saving Time and Money with Sustainability Efforts

As costs are continuing to rise, QSR franchise owners’ top priority is finding ways to cut costs and save money. By working with an energy efficiency partner that offers brand new equipment, such as HVACs, lighting, and refrigeration controls, owners can reduce their energy and save money, while also reducing carbon emissions. Join us for […]

How Salsarita’s Leverages Apple Wallet to Create an Immersive Loyalty Experience

Traditional loyalty program enrollment strategies are in need of an evolution as customers are demanding a simple and streamlined process with limited friction. It’s a new year and time to reimagine your program to improve customer acquisition, enrollment, rewards redemption and payment.  Join us as we examine how Salsarita’s implemented One Tap Loyalty leveraging the […]

New Research: What Executives and Users Really Think of Loyalty

While restaurant operators have long understood the value of loyalty programs to strengthen the bond and increase the value of their customer relationships, a new independent national research study sheds light on the way that executives and customers view a brand’s ability to engage and create long-term loyalty. Join this webinar and be among the […]

Stop Burning Your Money on Sourcing: What the Job Boards Don’t Want You to Know

You’re paying for applicants you’ll likely never talk to. Yet, job boards are happy to keep taking your money in this “click-to-apply culture” since their profits depend on your constant need to hire. What if we told you that you could easily revive interest from the applicant pool you’ve already paid for and save thousands […]

Level up your Hiring in 2023, the Top 8 Ways to Hire Hourly Workers

Join industry expert Beau Hoge as he shares the strategies industry leaders and top executives are using to quickly—and successfully—hire today, and walk away with actionable steps to level up your hiring process. Attendees of this webinar will learn: Speakers:                                                    Beau Hoge | Hiring Expert, Workstream                                                    Beau Hoge is a hourly workforce evangelist. He educates those responsible for […]

Amplify Your Restaurant Footprints with Technology Trends at Speed and Scale

Quick-service restaurants are continuing to evolve and keep up with trends to meet their customer needs. Whether it’s a more efficient drive-thru, digital enhancements, smaller footprint, or simplified dine-in experience, improvements that accommodate customer ordering habits can go a long way in building long-lasting brand loyalty. Sevan Multi-Site Solutions works with some of the biggest […]

Scaling Smarter: Top Thought Leaders Explore the Hiring Challenges of Rapid Growth

Hiring hourly workers is a top priority for restaurants as they rely heavily on their staff to provide efficient and quality customer service, which ultimately impacts their reputation and bottom line. Nobody knows more about this today than the team at Seoul Taco who are going through their hyper growth phase. Join this webinar and […]

Data Driven Decisions: See Consumer Behavior Data in Action through the Near Platform

   In such a fast moving world, consumer behavior data has become an essential resource for learning the deeper story behind your diners, and maximizing business results. Near’s privacy-led data intelligence platform delivers actionable insights on the behavior of 1.6B people across 44 countries – helping restaurants improve market share, gain competitive advantage, select new […]

What Will Loyalty Look Like in 2023?

Consumer habits are evolving. The National Restaurant Association estimates that currently 39% of all restaurant traffic is “bumper-to-bumper in a drive-thru lane,” and restaurants are innovating to keep up. From multi-lane drive-thrus, to suburban QSR expansions, digital-only locations, and the growing adoption of voice AI, the industry is turning to emerging technology to drive sales […]

How a McDonald’s Franchisee Reduced Employee Turnover and Doubled the Size of Their Staff

Do you want to spend another year struggling to stay fully staffed and wasting thousands of dollars on employee turnover? You can either blame the economy and hope the situation gets better or overcome your challenges by making a simple change to your hiring process. Join us as we discuss how a 3-location McDonald’s franchisee […]

Maximizing Digital Ordering’s ROI: How Restaurant Chains Can Improve the Pickup Experience to Increase Guest Satisfaction

As the popularity of digital ordering continues to surge, brands are forced to modify their day-to-day operations to best meet the evolving needs of their customers and keep them coming back. To better understand how to provide a seamless omnichannel experience, Intouch Insight – home of the Annual Drive-Thru Study – launched a new program […]

Top Webinars News

How Burger King and Popeye’s Franchisees are Automating Accounting Processes

Hear from the leading finance experts at multi-unit Burger King and Popeyes franchisees on how they’re automating accounting processes. Learn how their finance teams are eliminating manual tasks, reducing errors, and enabling teams to make data-driven decisions using real-time data. In this webinar you’ll learn more about: You will also get a sneak peek into […]