The doughnut shop that brought customers classics like the Bacon Maple Bar, the Memphis Mafia, and the Portland Cream, will be unleashing two limited time sweet-treats for this odd pairing of a holiday weekend.

“The perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate, an ode to an all-time favorite of mine, the Cadbury Egg,” says Voodoo co-founder, Tres Shannon of the new Easter egg doughnut.

  • Easter Egg ($3.00) – A raised yeast doughnut filled with chocolate Bavarian cream and topped with peanut butter and a vanilla frosted egg on top.  
  • Easter Sprinkle Cake ($1.25) – Plain cake doughnut dipped in vanilla frosting and Easter color sprinkles.

On this same weekend, Voodoo Doughnut is also celebrating 4/20 with munchie-themed doughnuts.

  • Munchie Madness ($3.50) – A raised yeast doughnut dipped in chocolate frosting, crunchy potato stix and caramel drizzle.

Rappers Delight ($4.20)

  • • Marshall Mathers – A plain cake doughnut topped with vanilla frosting & mini M&M’s.
  • • Old Dirty Bastard (ODB) – A raised yeast doughnut topped with chocolate frosting, crushed Oreo’s and peanut butter drizzle.
  • • Maple Blazer Blunt – A raised yeast doughnut rolled into a blunt and dusted with cinnamon sugar.  The top is dipped in maple frosting and red sprinkle embers.

“The best cure for the munchies this side of the moon,” says Voodoo co-founder, Kenneth “Cat Daddy” Pogson.

Breakfast, Desserts, Menu Innovations, News, Voodoo Doughnut