Be recognized publicly for achieving real dollar savings while helping to
protect the environment through exemplary energy efficiency—apply for
the 2001 Energy Star for Small Business Awards today! You can apply online
at . Energy Star for small business is a free,
non-regulatory service of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. There
are no requirements, just free information to help you save money and
energy. This information-packed site includes a “B2B” Directory of
financial resources and energy service and product providers, as well as
specific information for restaurants, lodging, and home-based businesses,
with more sectors such as convenience/grocery stores, and small
manufacturers coming soon.
This prestigious award is presented annually to selected small businesses
across the nation whose facilities are 100,000 square feet or less, not in
the energy equipment industry, and have chosen the most creative and energy
efficient methods of reducing energy costs. You may nominate your own
business, or any other small business. The more comprehensive the upgrade,
the better and more competitive it will be. Small businesses that have
demonstrated innovative solutions are highly encouraged to enter.
Complete and enter your award application by Earth Day, April 22, 2001.
Don’t know where to start? View the Pizza Hut of Gainesville, Florida
success story to see how that Pizza Hut chain is saving money and energy.