Almost 20 years after the company’s founding, the 63-year-old founder of Back Yard Burgers is planning to step aside from day-to-day operations in his current role as
chairman and CEO.

Michael will continue to serve as chairman, but the company
has begun a search for an individual to serve in the newly combined role of
president and CEO. Michael W. Myers resigned as Back Yard Burgers’ president
and COO in late February. Myers had been with the company since 1999.

Joseph Weiss, a major stockholder and franchisee who served as president
and COO of Back Yard Burgers from 1993-1999, is serving as interim COO until a
CEO/president is named. “We feel that this is the right time for the company
to combine the positions of CEO and president in one dynamic leader,” Weiss

“We offer a concept that is still young, and we have excellent operators
in our system,” Weiss said. “We believe that the pieces are in place for our
continued growth.”

While Back Yard Burgers was among the first QSR chains to introduce 100%
Black Angus Beef in 2000, other chains quickly jumped on the bandwagon. Weiss
said one of the responsibilities of the new president/CEO would be to find new
avenues to utilize Back Yard Burgers’ strengths and reputation for quality
food to differentiate itself from its competitors.

Weiss said the company is not targeting specific individuals within the
franchising industry to become Back Yard Burgers’ president/CEO, but is
instead looking for the “right personality that will mesh well with our
products, customers, employees and franchisees.” Added Michael: “We’re
looking for an individual to take us forward from where we are now.”

News, Back Yard Burgers