The Burrito Buddy, a new product aimed to keep tables clean when customers enjoy a stuffed burrito, will roll out nation wide next month.
The Burrito Buddy’s inventor, Adam Gold, created the disposable prop to support the sometimes-messy burrito and keep the ingredients
in the burrito and not on tables or desks. “I love burritos and would
get them for lunch at least twice a week,” Gold says. “Back when I had a desk job, I would bring my burrito back to my office and try to slowly savor the Mexican goodness, but when the phone
would ring or an important e-mail would pop-up I would have no where to put my burrito
without making a mess. I feel like we’ve all been there.”
Burrito Buddy’s package
design is marketed toward Mexican fast-casuals and quick-serves. It supports the burrito when customers want to put it down
without having the fillings fall out.