California Tortilla, the quick-casual Mexican restaurant, is giving Pop‐Tarts enthusiasts a reason to rejoice with its 17thAnnual Pop‐Tarts Day. On Tuesday, October 11, all customers will receive a Pop‐Tarts pouch (while supplies last). One customer at each of the chain’s 35 locations could find a “Golden Sticker” redeemable for free burritos for an entire year (one burrito per week for 52 weeks).

The chain has given away more than 100,000 Pop‐Tarts since the promotion started in 1995. Last year, California Tortilla gave away more than 20,000 of the delicious treats, a record for the customer favorite.

The giveaway will be available at all 35 California Tortilla locations across the mid‐Atlantic region. Pop‐Tarts flavors may vary at each location.

Food, Marketing & Promotions, News, California Tortilla