CKE Restaurants Inc. today announced it has raised more than $900,000 through its “Pink Star” fundraising campaign for breast cancer awareness. During the three-week, in-store fundraiser in May, guests at Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants across the U.S. donated to the campaign in support of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).

For each $1 donation, restaurant guests received a commemorative pink Happy Star™ cutout to personalize and place on a restaurant lobby display. This leave-behind piece combined the icon for both the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurant chains. The pink color represents hope and awareness for the plight of those fighting breast cancer. Guests also received coupons to use toward future visits. SynqSolutions Inc. of Atlanta donated the cost of all printed materials related to the Pink Star program.

The check presentation ceremony is slated for Wednesday, July 9, at 5 p.m. at CKE Restaurants corporate headquarters in Carpinteria, California. Executives from CKE Restaurants along with board members from both the Star Franchise Association (of Carl’s Jr.) and the Independent Hardee’s Franchise Association will present the $900,000 check to Janelle Hail, CEO of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The donation will help the NBCF’s ongoing program to offer free mammogram and treatment programs at hospitals and clinics in 25 states.

“The outpouring of support and the generosity of our guests is quite simply breathtaking and very humbling indeed,“ says Andrew Puzder, president and CEO for CKE Restaurants. “We are also extremely proud of all of our restaurants, both company and franchise, whose enthusiasm allow us to grow this program with each passing year. Every pink Happy Star that stood proudly on our walls showed one person’s pledge and our company’s commitment to supporting worthy organizations and causes, like those championed by the NBCF.”

Charitable Giving, News, Carl's Jr., Hardee's