CKE Restaurants,
Inc. announced today its partnership with the Dream Foundation, the
largest national organization providing final wishes to terminally ill adults.
As a major restaurant sponsor, CKE, through its Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s and La
Salsa restaurant chains, will provide gift certificates to wish recipients to
use on their dream vacations.
“We are proud to be a part of this great organization’s mission to help
make dreams come true,” said Larry Brayman, vice president of corporate
affairs for CKE Restaurants, Inc. “It is an honor to offer our support to
help to ease the burden of terminal illness for these individuals.”
In addition to donating meals, CKE will sponsor several fundraisers at its
restaurants and various Dream Foundation events throughout the year.
“To believe in dreams is the American way and CKE has been a pioneering
partner in helping us make dreams come true,” said Thomas Rollerson, founder
and president of the Dream Foundation. “We are very grateful to CKE for their
generous and ongoing support.”
The Dream Foundation, a Santa Barbara-based organization, provides a
unique service that helps to relieve human suffering and targets terminally
ill adults whom otherwise could not have realized a final wish. For more
information, please visit the Dream Foundation Web site at .