Expecting to “turn social media advertising on its head,” the new social advertising tool for restaurants ChatterHawk launches today, putting coupons and promotions in front of potential customers in real time using patent-pending software technology, says Brendan Brandt, CEO of the company that developed ChatterHawk.
Potential customers receive coupons or promotions for a nearby product or service in an appropriate price range within milliseconds of posting a related comment on social media, Brandt says. In this short time span, a potential customer’s most recent social and digital profile is created and real-time location is identified. Typically, targeted social advertising is based on data six months old or more.
“Telepathic is how one woman described ChatterHawk recently,” Brandt says. She sent an innocuous tweet, “Very early morning, I need coffee!” and unknowingly alerted ChatterHawk to scour her posts, categorize recent spending habits, identify her precise location and immediately deliver a notification to her phone: “We’ve got you covered! Stop by and save .50 cents on a large coffee!” from a new nearby café that fit her current spending profile.
“Harnessing the elusive millennial consumer is possible when you reach them where they are—like our coffee consumer who was on her favorite social channel, physically near the coffee shop, and recently eating out more often due to a new job,” Brandt says.
Several business executives who participated in the pilot program reiterate Brandt’s assessment.
“ChatterHawk's power and real-time capabilities are unlike anything I've seen before. The click-through rates it’s generating for our business are nothing short of revolutionary in our advertising experience," says Dave Stricker, executive vice president of St. James Insurance Group.
“It’s going to permanently alter the way buyers and sellers interact,” adds James FitzGibbon, president and CEO of D.C.-area private equity firm Lionshead Enterprises Inc.
ChatterHawk is now fully operational and, with its patent-pending SaaS technology, uses existing social infrastructure so consumers don’t have to install an application or sign up. They receive coupons and promotions only when indicating a need and are not required to establish social media affiliations with the client or ChatterHawk, Brandt says.