Gene Stein, director of business development for COMPLETE FoodService, rolled out a new business division called FAST (Fast Approach Support Team) which was engineered to support franchise business growth and development on a national scale.
“For example, with restaurant industry sales in the U.S. projected to top out at $588 billion dollars by the end of 2008, we are now in prime position to streamline food and beverage operations by providing an unparalleled opportunity for franchise and independent owner/operators to maximize their return on investment,” says Robert Widman, president and CEO of COMPLETE. The 10-year-old firm has created an extensive network which will enable the industry to continue to increase jobs and help fuel the country’s economic recovery.
The FAST System, which was launched during the second quarter of this year, provides the products, services, and resources needed to help operators get off the ground and experience greater expansion in a shorter cycle of time.