CheapTweet, a deals search engine with a community of shoppers who vote on thousands of money-saving deals and coupons from Twitter to form an easily searchable index, is working with hospitality merchants to deliver the best deals on Twitter for food, drinks, lodging, and entertainment to their customers.
CheapTweet helps restaurant and hospitality businesses expand their social media presence and interact with new and existing customers with its first professional offering, CheapTweet Stores, which benefits online sellers. With CheapTweet Stores, organizations can better manage their multiple Twitter accounts and more effectively communicate with consumers.
CheapTweet Stores’ benefits include consistent corporate branding, with a branded, searchable index hosted on, and the power to put deals in front of customers who are ready to make a purchase with the best price they can find.
“Social media is an important component of many companies’ marketing strategies, and CheapTweet Stores is a comprehensive and easy-to-navigate portal for consumers to find the best and most up-to-date restaurant and hospitality deals,” says Hayes Davis, founder of Appozite and creator of CheapTweet. “CheapTweet allows brands and retailers to expand the reach of their deals beyond their Twitter followers as well as increase their search engine visibility.”