Duck Donuts, known for serving Warm, Delicious and Made-to-Order donuts, announced the launch of a highly anticipated topping – classic jelly. This joyous season, deck any donut with the all new, limited-time raspberry jelly topping or enjoy it in the seasonal featured Holiday Assortment.
“We are delighted to officially offer jelly, the highly requested and iconic flavor, to our guests,” says Betsy Hamm, Duck Donuts CEO. “Two of our core values, delight and innovation, come together to sprinkle holiday happiness to our guests with an exciting new flavor that they have been calling for by name.”
Guests can enjoy the berry and bright Holiday Assortment through December 31. The joyful and jelly-filled seasonal assortment features the all-new raspberry jelly and festive holiday sprinkles in warm combinations such as:
Powdered sugar with raspberry jelly-filled center
Vanilla icing with holiday sprinkles
Bare with raspberry jelly and vanilla drizzle
Chocolate icing with holiday sprinkles
Give the gift of Duck Donuts this season, whether it’s a stocking stuffer such as apparel, drinkware, traditional or digital gift card. Or surprise them by having donuts delivered directly to their door through the company’s online ordering platform. To learn more about delivery options, visit
Duck Donuts specializes in warm, delicious and made-to-order donuts. Customers can create their own donut combination by choosing from a variety of coatings, toppings and drizzles, including traditional favorites such as chocolate icing with sprinkles and more adventurous creations such as maple icing with bacon. The family-friendly stores offer a viewing area where children and adults alike can watch their donuts being made. Duck Donuts also sells coffee, tea, donut breakfast sandwiches and offers online ordering.