StalkMarket Products, a leading provider of compostable tableware and food packaging, is launching the world’s first Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certified compostable Ingeo hot cup and lid system, available immediately. From cup to lid, you can now order a complete hot beverage container and lid that meets the rigorous composting requirements of BPI and scientifically based standards from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
“We are very proud of the achievements of our staff,” says Bret “Buzz” Chandler, president and founder of StalkMarket products. “Developing these products seemed, at times, the equivalent of cracking the Da Vinci Code in finding just the right new technology to make this 100 percent compostable system perform like traditional plastic products at competitive market prices.” StalkMarket’s Planet+ line of compostable products are engineered to tolerate more than 200 degrees (F) of wet heat and compost in 60 to 90 days in commercial composting facilities.
“Hot cup lids are an important part of an ensemble of compostable products,” says Steve Mojo, executive director at BPI. “The BPI compostable logo certification is awarded to products that demonstrate that they meet the requirements of ASTM D6400 or ASTM D6868 based on testing in an independent and approved laboratory. Products that meet these standards will disintegrate and biodegrade swiftly and safely in a professionally managed composting facility, but not in home backyard composting.”
The hot cups and lids are made using Ingeo plant-based plastics from NatureWorks LLC. “StalkMarket has used Ingeo in an innovative way to help replace petroleum-based products with renewable plant-based plastic products,” says Jim Hobbs, NatureWorks’ Commercial Director for the Americas. “StalkMarket has created an appealing Ingeo compostable collection which competes with petroleum-based plastics without having to sacrifice performance or economics.” To order StalkMarket compostable products, including the new hot cup lids, visit or call the main office at (503) 295-4977 for details and distributors in your local area.