Equity Marketing, Inc., a marketing services company, today announced that it has been awarded the International Calendar Planning business for Burger King Corporation outside of the U.S./North America.
As the International Calendar Planning Agency for Burger King Corporation, Equity Marketing will identify and assist Burger King Corporation for future international promotions. Equity Marketing will also initiate discussions with various entities on behalf of Burger King Corporation to secure licensing agreements.
“Reaching the kids, ‘tweens, teens, and families (KTTF) market in an impactful way is an important part of Burger King Corporation’s promotional strategy—both in the U.S. as well as in our international markets,” said Rick Dow, senior vice president of marketing and sales for Burger King Corporation.
“We are very pleased to expand our strategic consulting role during these very exciting times of growth and new product offerings and new marketing initiatives and programs at Burger King,” said Gaetano Mastropasqua, Equity Marketing’s executive vice president of promotions and client services.