EVOS announced the EVOS Healthy School Lunch Program, which is now available at public and private schools throughout the Chapel Hill, North Carolina, area this year. It’s an easy, affordable option parents now have to end daily lunchbox dilemmas.

In addition, schools that choose to adopt the EVOS Healthy School Lunch Program this year are being rewarded for their efforts. In an effort to help schools utilize this program most effectively, the restaurant chain has committed to donating a portion of each lunchbox sale back to the school from which it was purchased.

“This year alone, more than 31 million students will consume 30–50 percent of their daily calories during their 30 minute lunch break,” says Jackie Macaluso, community ambassador at EVOS. “Packed with high amounts of salt, fat, and sugar, today’s school lunch simply fails miserably. The EVOS Healthy School Lunch Program hopes to not only make a direct nutritional impact in the lives of those students we serve, but to also help schools get one step closer to meeting their unique fundraising milestones.”

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