Fatburger, an all-American burger franchise, introduces Buffalo’s Saucy Fatburgers and Sandwiches, utilizing sauces from sister brand, Buffalo’s Café. The burger brand will be serving three more sandwich options and two new burger selections.


With six new Buffalo’s sauces incorporated into the menu, Fatburger looks to provide its customers a new taste experience. Guests can choose to add such sauces as Mild, Hot, Death Valley, Red Hot Ranch, Honey Garlic, and Sweet Teriyaki to their entree or select from one of the new burger or sandwich offerings. One of Fatburger’s new items, the Honey Garlic Crispy Chicken Sandwich, is crafted with crisp chicken, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and Buffalos’ honey garlic sauce. Fans can also try the Rancheros Fatburger or the Rancheros Veggieburger, each topped with an egg and sauces ranging from mild to Death Valley, the hottest of Buffalos’ sauces.


Releasing our saucy Fatburgers and sandwiches will allow us to introduce our sister brand, Buffalo’s Café, to over 27 countries around the world,” says CEO of Fatburger and Buffalo’s Café, Andy Wiederhorn. “With the integration of these sauces into our core menu, we will be able to provide our devout customer base with an assortment of ways that they can spice up their burgers and sandwiches.”

Menu Innovations, News, Restaurant Operations, Fatburger