In a new series of television commercials, Gold Star Chili, The Flavor of Cincinnati, enlisted the aid of neighborhood firefighters to introduce Cincinnati-style chili lovers to the chain’s hotter menu options: Firehouse cheese coneys and 3, 4, and 5-Ways. 

In these 30-second TV spots, firefighters from Little Miami Fire & Rescue in Newtown, Ohio, give expert testimony on Gold Star Chili’s ability to “bring the heat” and add a flavorful twist to Greater Cincinnati’s favorite hometown food.
Firehouse “ways” feature the traditional layering of spaghetti, Gold Star’s famous Cincinnati-style chili, onions, beans, and mounds of mild cheddar cheese, plus the addition of searing sriracha sauce and Gold Star’s special six-pepper spice blend. Firehouse cheese coneys are also topped with the special sauce and pepper blend. The result is “just the right amount to heat” and a delicious flavor enhancement. As one of the Newtown firefighters proclaim, it’s “the perfect burn.”
“Firehouse cheese coneys and ways have been on the Gold Star Chili menu for quite a while,” says Gold Star Chili VP of Marketing Charlie Howard. “The challenge is that 80 percent of our customers, who have grown up with Cincinnati-style chili, don’t even bother to look at the menu; they go straight to their standard order. With the growing nationwide trend that has consumers seeking out hotter and spicier dining experiences, we thought that it was time to more formally introduce our Firehouse option with the help of seasoned professionals who are experts at facing the heat.”
Gold Star also offers the Firehouse option for chili cheese fries, its line of burritos and burrito bowls, and as a way to spice up its bowls of Veggie and Tex Mex chili.
And to help cool things down, Gold Star Chili is bringing back its popular Banana Cream Pie milkshake. Throughout the spring and summer Banana Cream Pie will join Gold Star’s everyday line-up of hand-blended milk shakes made with real, premium ice cream: Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and Oreo Cookies & Cream.
Food, Menu Innovations, News, Gold Star Chili