Cousins Subs is hosting a virtual costume contest through its official Facebook fan page, where users can win $500 and free Cousins Subs for a year by posting photos of themselves celebrating Halloween in costume.
“Facebook has become the way for people to share photos and information, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to give back to our loyal fans,” says Justin McCoy, Cousins Subs’ senior marketing manager.
Individuals must become a fan of Cousins Subs on Facebook to participate in the contest and can win in two categories: Costume with Best Incorporation of Cousins Subs and Most Original Costume. For the former, entrants must take a photo of themselves in a costume incorporating the Cousins Subs brand, products, or locations while the latter can be taken anywhere; all photos, however, must be submitted through the Cousins Subs (Official) fan page by 12 p.m. EST on November 2. Entrants should also identify or “tag” themselves in all photos to ensure their eligibility. Two winners will be selected and announced on the fan page on November 3 and will each receive $500 in cash and free Cousins Subs for a year.
“We know there are lots of costume contests at this time of year but ours puts a different spin on something that could just be considered a dime a dozen,” McCoy says. “So log in, become a fan and ‘poke’ your friends to let them know how Cousins Subs is making this Halloween one to remember.”