Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream and Yogurt announced the launch of its annual Koins for Kids fundraising campaign to benefit Akron Children’s Hospital Mahoning Valley.

Now through December 12, 2014, all eight Handel’s shops throughout the Youngstown area will be collecting donations in the form of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to raise money and awareness for the local children’s hospital.

In addition, more than 16,300 students from 30 schools across Mahoning, Columbiana and Trumbull Counties will be participating in the Koins for Kids fundraising campaign. Every student who makes a donation will receive a paper ornament with his or her name on it that can either be put on display at the school or taken home to decorate their Christmas tree as a reminder of their donation. The top-performing school from each county—based on percentage collected versus school enrollment—will receive a free Handel’s ice cream social as well as a DJ for an upcoming school dance or other social activity.

“When we started Koins for Kids six years ago, our goal was to create a tradition of giving to benefit the children and their families serviced by the local world-class hospital,” says Leonard Fisher, president of Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream and Yogurt. “We have raised an incredible amount of money over the past five years through this campaign, and have simultaneously educated area children on the importance of helping those who are less fortunate, especially when those effected are their peers.”

This marks the sixth year of Handel’s Koins for Kids campaign. To date, Handel’s, its partners and the community have raised $175,000 for Akron Children’s Hospital. Last year alone, Handel’s raised $50,000 for the local children’s hospital and is hoping to exceed that amount this year with the community’s help.


Charitable Giving, Desserts, Marketing & Promotions, News, Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream and Yogurt