Having reached the pinnacle of decadence with the recent launch of the 107-grams-of-fat Monster Thickburger, Hardee’s is now tipping the scale in the opposite direction with the introduction of the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich — with just four grams of fat.
“The Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich is the yin to the Monster Thickburger’s yang,” said Brad Haley, executive vice president of marketing for Hardee’s, referring to the 1,420-calorie burger that Jay Leno quipped in a recent monologue should be served through the loading dock rather than the drive-thru window.
Featuring a skinless, charbroiled chicken breast fillet, tomatoes, lettuce, and Western BBQ sauce on a honey wheat bun, the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich contains just 370 calories with its four grams of fat.
“Hardee’s sister chain, Carl’s Jr., has a similar sandwich that has been a longtime favorite among customers in the western U.S.,” said Haley. “The timing coincides with Americans’ tradition of establishing New Year’s resolutions, which usually include some kind of a weight-loss effort. And the nice thing is that the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich still tastes great even though it’s low in both fat and calories.”
Available at all Hardee’s locations, the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich sells for $3.69.