Hershey’s reduced fat 2% Chocolate and 2% White milks are now available for serving in restaurants with the Autonumis RTS-2 refrigerated dispensers.
The Hershey’s milks are shelf stable with a shelf life of 7 months from production date. The products are packaged in 2.5 gallon flexible bag-in-box packaging equipped with the patented dispensing fitment called The Answer.
By employing The Answer fitment on the bags the serving shelf life of the milks is up to 35 calendar days.
The Autonumis RTS-2 refrigerated countertop dispensers have been specially formatted to exclusively dispense products in BIB packaging equipped with The Answer fitment.
The Hershey’s milk products and the Autonumis dispensers will be featured in Diversified Foods’ booth # 7743 at the National Restaurant Association Restaurant Hotel-Motel Show at the McCormick Center in Chicago from May 16th through May 19th.