Can you imagine any public restroom without toilet paper, toilet seat covers, paper towels, or soap? Then why don’t all women’s public restrooms also provide the feminine hygiene products women need for their periods—and make sure dispensers are always full?
From its inception in 1919, HOSPECO pioneered the category of personal care products in public restrooms for women—and emerged as the longtime leader in vended feminine hygiene products. In 2015, the company introduced its reengineered Evogen EV1 feminine hygiene product dispensers, available in free vend or 25-cent vend models. Now, HOSPECO is proud to introduce the Evogen EV2 Pad/Tampon Dispenser as an extension of that line.
The new EV2 was specifically designed to accommodate smaller women’s restrooms and/or gender-neutral restrooms. The wall-mounted dispensers are a compact 10.75" x 17.5" x 6.5."
But perhaps the most distinguishable difference between the EV1 and EV2 dispensers is that the EV2 is designed to be only free vend. The free-vend feature incorporates a thoughtful delay mechanism between vends designed to discourage patrons from taking more than one product or, in other words, abusing the courtesy.
“We designed EV2 because feminine hygiene products should be considered a necessity, not a luxury,” says Bill Hemann, HOSPECO vice president of sales and marketing. “Women should find readily accessible tampons and pads in every restroom outside the home. Any facility owner unsure there is a movement afoot is encouraged to poke around Google or look at our own collected material by searching #ProvideFemHy.”
Evogen dispensers make stocking and dispensing more convenient than ever before. Plus, dual loading of both tampons and pads is more convenient for customers. The dispensers’ modern, streamlined styling is attractive and easy to use. To load, staff just opens the door and slides in products—easy loading promotes consistent stocking. ADA-compliant push-button dispensing makes Evogen dispensers accessible to all women.
HOSPECO offers a complete feminine hygiene solution for the public restroom—from product dispensing to safe and hygienic disposal. In part because of this commitment, in 2015, HOSPECO became a sponsor in a pilot program with the New York City Department of Education that implemented the first dispenser of free feminine hygiene products at a public high school.
Says Hemann, “that movement has only grown, both within the city and all over the country. We are proud to be on the right side of this initiative, for the benefit of every young girl or woman who started their periods unexpectedly in public without the supplies they needed.”