The iPhone and iPod touch application iCanEat OnTheGo Gluten & Allergen Free expands the suite of innovative solutions to help those impacted by celiac/coeliac disease, food allergies, or intolerances safely eat out anywhere.

Developed by AllergyFree Passport and GlutenFree Passport, internationally acclaimed education firms, iCanEat OnTheGo easily pinpoints what meals to eat at 15 U.S. 15 quick-service chains for special diet customers.

To dynamically tailor the application to specific concerns, users select from one or any combination of 9 allergens including eggs, fish, gluten, milk, peanuts, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat.

Individuals can browse more than 1,500 menu items in color-coded columns to quickly view meals and associated allergens. Users are also able to personalize their options by hiding the items which contain their concerns and immediately identify what is safe to eat.

Now, customers can discreetly search for gluten and/or allergen-free foods from Arby’s, Boston Market, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, Dairy Queen, Domino’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, KFC, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Qdoba, Sonic, Subway, Taco Bell, and Wendy’s.

“Rather than sifting through hundreds of web pages to determine possible menu choices, users save significant time and energy by letting iCanEat OnTheGo do the work for them,” says Kim Koeller, president of AllergyFree Passport.

“It is also the perfect companion to our iEatOut applications which empower individuals with knowledge about cuisines, ingredients, and food preparation techniques for safe restaurant dining experiences.”

Developed by the creators of the 7-time award-winning Let’s Eat Out! series, iCanEat OnTheGo reflects allergen and ingredient Web site source data from 15 chains ranked in QSR magazine’s 2009 QSR 50. This application represents a collaborative team effort and usability testing with international business/technology consultants, restaurant industry professionals, and individuals impacted by celiac/coeliac and food allergies.

Available through Apple’s iTunes App Stores, the three new applications, iCanEat OnTheGo, iEatOut Gluten & Allergen Free, and iEatOut LITE, are already assisting individuals from more than 30 countries to enjoy safe eating everywhere.
