Jack in the Box unveiled its new signature beverage, Jumpin’ Jack Splash. Packed with refreshing, fruity flavors, the new Jack in the Box drink will be available in more than 2,200 Jack in the Box restaurants, where Coca-Cola Freestyle is offered.

Jumpin’ Jack Splash is the first proprietary Coca-Cola Freestyle beverage for Jack in the Box. Now Jack in the Box can satisfy customers cravings for Jumpin’ Jack Splash any time of day, being the first and only quick-service chain to offer Coca-Cola Freestyle in both dine in and drive thru in its more than 2,200 restaurants.

“We are always looking for ways to enhance our menu and satisfy cravings,” says Iwona Alter, chief marketing officer for Jack in the Box. “Our guests asked—and we listened! We are pleased to introduce our very own signature beverage for guests to enjoy—just in time for summer. We’re calling it Jumpin’ Jack Splash.”

Jumpin’ Jack Splash kicks summer up a notch, starting with classic Minute Maid Lemonade mixed with the robust flavors of cherry, lime, and raspberry. Jack’s proprietary new drink is non-carbonated and available in diet or regular. This refreshing drink pairs perfectly with Jack’s selection of breakfast, burgers, snacks, or hot and salty fries. 

Beverage, News, Jack in the Box