Jamba Juice debuted its first television commercial on Monday, June 30. The 30-second spot is airing in San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, in support of Jamba’s new retail line of ready-to-drink smoothies and juices. The beverages are the result of a creative partnership between Jamba Juice and Nestle USA and are the first products Jamba has offered outside of its stores.
Jamba has stayed away from television commercials in the past because its marketing team prefers to rely on others means, such as Internet marketing and radio, to reach customers. A unique offering called for a unique marketing plan, however.
“From a ready-to- drink perspective, this is a medium that Jamba and Nestle felt would be effective at reaching [our] target audience,” says Paul Coletta, Jamba Juice’s senior vice president of marketing and brand development.
Ad agency Publicis created the Jamba Ready To Drink Commercial-Live Fruitfully to target women 30–44 years old with children living at home. San Francisco was chosen as a test market because the city is a “mature Jamba market with high brand awareness” while Portland, an emerging market, was chosen to see how consumers would react to the ad in an area with a lower brand awareness. The ad can also be viewed on YouTube, though there are no plans at this time to take the spot national.
“What we [are] trying to achieve with the ad is to tighten the relationship between Jamba and fruit, because we believe that consumers understand that fruit has healthy benefits,” Coletta says.