Global hamburger franchise Johnny Rockets was featured on the latest episode of TNT’s new reality series, “Inside Job.” Each week on “Inside Job,” one of America's hottest companies invites four highly qualified job candidates to compete for an executive position. For one week, they live together, work together, and play together as part of the interview and hiring process while competing to land their dream job.
What the candidates don't know, however, is that one of their fellow candidates is already a management executive at the company. This undercover executive mole monitors every move the job candidates make and reports the findings back to the boss. At the end of the week, the insider is revealed, and it is the insider who then decides which candidate is offered the position.
In the Johnny Rockets episode filmed last November in Southern California, the candidates were put through a screening process as they vied for a new field marketing manager position at Johnny Rockets. It’s an executive position responsible for overseeing the marketing of a number of franchise restaurants. Following the premise of the show, Eric Hoffman, general manager of Johnny Rockets in Laguna Beach, served as the undercover insider reporting back to John Fuller, Johnny Rockets president and CEO. The candidates were given the ultimate challenge when told they must promote the launch of a new Johnny Rockets premium ice cream shake at one of the company’s largest restaurants.
“Johnny Rockets is known for making incredible shakes and we knew that marketing a new flavor profile would be the ideal test for these candidates,” Fuller says. “And, because fun is one of our core values, I asked them to create an event that was entertaining, interactive and in-line with the lively atmosphere we provide our guests every day.”
“Inside Job” premiered on February 28.