Kona Ice, the renowned mobile shaved ice franchise dedicated to community support and engagement, announced the launch of the Kona ACE Program, an initiative designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding educators across the United States. The program, which stands for “Accomplished and Celebrated Educators,” aims to honor teachers who go above and beyond in their dedication to their students and schools.
“We really want to celebrate teachers, as schools are one of our largest areas of business,” said Darren Varnado, senior vice president of operational support, development & marketing at Kona Ice. “Since our inception in 2007, Kona Ice has donated over $180 million to local schools, organizations and teams through its fundraising efforts.”
Starting the third week of August, school principals, leadership and the local community can nominate exceptional teachers who have made significant impacts in their schools. The program will feature a multi-tiered selection process, with 60 Tier 1 winners chosen first, followed by 12 regional winners and culminating in one national winner.
“The idea is that school principals, leadership and the local community can nominate a teacher who goes above and beyond,” said Varnado. “We want to recognize them not just with recognition but also with a gift certificate so they can purchase some of the consumables they need throughout the school year from places like Walmart. Additionally, they can go to our Kona shop and buy various items, such as pencils and folders.”
This innovative program is part of Kona Ice’s broader commitment to supporting education and giving back to the community. “This year, we really wanted to highlight schools and find a way to give back to teachers and educators,” said Layla Monazam, senior director of communications & brand strategy at Kona Ice. “While we do a lot with students through the Kona truck and visits, we wanted to find an opportunity to highlight the teachers’ impact beyond the classroom.”
The Kona ACE Program is also part of the brand’s larger “Be Good. Do Good. For Good.” initiative, which aims to inspire and celebrate positive actions within communities. By providing
teachers with the resources and recognition they deserve, Kona Ice continues to demonstrate its commitment to education and community enrichment nationwide.