Marking an industry unique partnership coupling premium iced tea and quality pizza, Marco’s Pizza is launching a refreshing “Magnifico Summer” promotion featuring its newest Magnifico Pizza with real-brewed brand Pure Leaf Iced Tea.
Running through the end of August, more than 800 Marco’s Pizza locations around the country will offer a large Ultimate Magnifico Pizza paired with a 64-ounce Pure Leaf Iced Tea for $12.99. A meat lover’s dream topped with regular pepperoni, Old World Italian pepperoni, crumbled sausage and Italian sausage, the Ultimate Magnifico pizza is a fan-favorite among the brand’s loyal fans.
As part of the one-of-a-kind bundled promotion encouraging consumers to enjoy summer pizza “ParTEAs,” Marco’s Pizza will host a “Magnifico Summer” social media sweepstakes. Fans can share photos on the brand’s Facebook page that portray the ways they make their summer Magnifico at the pool, beach, picnics or backyard gatherings with friends. Winners will receive summer Pizza ParTEAs with free pizza and tea.
Recently ranked by consumers as America’s Favorite Pizza Chain through Market Force Information surveys, Marco’s high-quality, Ah!thentic pizza products pair seamlessly with the superior taste of Pure Leaf. According to executives from both companies, the partnership is an ideal marriage of Marco’s premium food product – dough made in-store daily, fresh never-frozen cheese and imported ingredients—with Pure Leaf’s beverage brewed from real tea leaves and no artificial flavors.
“We’re excited to engage our customers in a ‘Magnifico Summer’ by offering a new refreshing, all-natural beverage,” says Marco’s Pizza Chief Marketing Officer Steve Seyferth. “We sought out a real, leaf-brewed beverage to complement our superior pizza product. The pairing provides an elevated experience for our customers.”
As the only national franchise chain founded by a native Italian, Marco’s Pizza has carved out a niche in the industry as the expert in authentic Italian pizza, known for its fresh never-frozen dough made daily on site, a proprietary cheese blend that is fresh never-frozen and a secret pizza sauce recipe. Opening a new store on average every three days, Marco’s Pizza is on track to add over 100 new locations this year and aims to have 1,500 locations open by 2020.