Boston-based restaurant owners and managers are invited to join three local marketing technology companies – WHERE, Constant Contact, and Textaurant – for an informative workshop and catered networking event on August 1, 2011.

The presenting companies will cover three hot topics that will help restaurateurs acquire, retain, and engage customers:

Mobile industry leader WHERE (an eBay/Paypal company) will show how to use mobile to attract new customers and how to establish a free mobile presence for your business.

Email experts Constant Contact will show you how to use email marketing to retain and re-engage customers, including how to grow your opt-in email list and more.

Textaurant has revolutionized waiting list management by turning it into a CRM tool, and will teach you how to use technology for an improved customer experience to keep them coming back.

Each presenting company will be providing all attendees with a free trial of their service. Furthermore, all attendees will be entered to win a Samsung Galaxy Android tablet.

The event takes place at the WHERE offices in Boston’s North End on Monday, August 1. There will be an 8.30 a.m. and a 10 a.m. session so restaurateurs can chose the one that works best for their schedule.There will be a half hour catered networking prior to and following each presentation and attendees will be reimbursed for parking/transportation.

Registration for this event is free at

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