Marking the one-year anniversary of
Premium Roast coffee in Michigan, McDonald’s is introducing Cinnamon Melts
to its menu today.
Cinnamon Melts will be available throughout all day parts at
participating McDonald’s locations nationwide. Cinnamon Melts are the best
part of a cinnamon roll — the center — and feature a sweet and delicious
cinnamon sugar glaze. Cinnamon Melts are served warm and fresh all day.
Michigan served as a test market beginning in April 2005 for Premium
Roast coffee in advance of the national launch, which occurred in February
of this year. McDonald’s coffee is a medium blend of the finest roasted
coffee beans brewed fresh throughout the day offering customers a richer,
bolder more robust flavor. McDonald’s also adds the cream and sugar through
an innovative automated system to customize each cup of coffee, made
specifically to each customer’s personal taste. This process saves time and
gives customers a consistent flavor and taste each time they visit
“We have received strong, positive customer feedback about Premium
Roast coffee over the past year and we are pleased to have served as a test
market,” said John Betts, vice president/general manager of the McDonald’s
Michigan region. “Our customers have now asked for a sweet, good offering
that compliments Premium Roast coffee, and we’re excited to bring McDonald’s
Cinnamon Melts to southeast Michigan.”