Jose Bove, a French farmer involved in protests against McDonald’s and the World Trade Organization, was sentenced to three months in prison on September 13. The conviction stems from Bove’s role in the disassembly of an unfinished McDonald’s restaurant in a French town. Several other protesters were also sentenced, but Bove, recognized as the leader of the group, received the harshest sentence.
This is the second trial for the group; back in June, Bove was sentenced to a suspended ten-month prison term.
The French farmers are opposed to US-imposed, WTO-approved taxation of their main exports, foie gras, and Roquefort cheese. Bove states that McDonald’s imposes on his simple way of life by peddling cheap, unhealthy food.
The highly publicized trial and local support of Bove and his claims has raised him to folk hero status among the French. His lawyers plan to appeal the sentence.