This summer, Menchie’s, the world’s largest self-serve frozen yogurt franchise, is partnering with Twentieth Century Fox’s highly anticipated animated film “Ice Age: Collision Course,” opening in theaters July 22. Throughout the month of July, Menchie’s will offer fans an arctic blast of frozen creations with two new sorbets and two collectible, movie-themed spoons.

Menchie’s is on a thrilling pursuit to serve up two new icy flavors, Ice Age Blue Blast Sorbet, a tangy blue raspberry creation, and Ice Age White Freeze Sorbet, a fruity and frosty flavor. To complete the “Ice Age: Collision Course” experience, guests can fill up on their favorite flavors in two exclusively designed cups featuring “Ice Age”character favorites, Sid, Manny, Diego, and the rest of the herd. Two new limited-edition spoons, featuring Scrat and Sid, will have fans wanting to collect them before they go extinct.

“The ‘Ice Age’ franchise has become a favorite to families worldwide, and our collaboration will give fans the opportunity to connect with the film and its characters in a new way through our movie-themed frozen yogurt and Sid and Scrat spoons,” says Amit Kleinberger, Menchie’s CEO. “We’re honored to partner with Twentieth Century Fox to bring fans a unique and delicious arctic experience just in time for summer.”
