July 12, 2008, brought the grand opening of Nubi Yogurt’s latest cafe. “The line snaked through the store, out the front door, and onto the sidewalk,” says Tim Lan, director of Nubi Yogurt. “We sold over 2,000 cups of yogurt in one day. Each store we open has been met with more customer enthusiasm than the last. To the company, this is proof positive that the frozen yogurt trend is not just back–it’s here to stay.”
Nubi Yogurt is a self-serve frozen yogurt restaurant where customers create their own treat from a variety of healthy, probiotic frozen yogurt, fresh fruits, and all their favorite cookie, cereal, and candy toppings. The innovative self-serve concept sets Nubi apart from its competitors by offering patrons complete control over the size and composition of their frozen masterpiece. Customers choose from twelve premium yogurt flavors, over 40 fresh fruit, dry, and syrup toppings, and pay by weight.
“Nubi is a new and exciting revolution in healthful indulgence,” Lan says. “We offer the best of both worlds: luxurious, creamy taste with health-boosting vitamins and minerals and low calorie content. Topped with a heaping portion of fresh fruit, a frozen yogurt parfait is a satisfying meal replacement packed with calcium, probiotics, antioxidants, and essential vitamins. It’s like your favorite fruit shake disguised as a sundae.” Most of Nubi’s yogurt selections are fat-free, and a few are 98 percent fat-free. The fresh fruit toppings are cut daily on the premises, with no sugar and no preservatives added.
Located at 979 Broadway Suite 106, the Millbrae cafe is the fourth outpost of Nubi’s expanding enterprise, and the first branch to open in Northern California. Nubi Yogurt is planning on opening at least three more company-owned cafes by the end of 2008, while simultaneously launching its nationwide franchising program.