Gold Star Chili will be showcased in a segment on the PBS television series Our Ohio on February 14. The program examines the connection that the people of Greater Cincinnati have with their hometown dish, Cincinnati-style chili. With more than 250 chili parlor restaurants in the area, Greater Cincinnati is known as “Chilitown USA”; no other city has as many neighborhood chili restaurants.
“In a city that’s in love with its unique Cincinnati-style chili, this segment of Our Ohio is the perfect Valentine’s Day message,” says Charlie Howard, Gold Star Chili director of marketing. “When people here discuss their preferred brand chili it often turns into a passionate debate. But one thing we can all agree upon is that we certainly do love our chili in Cincinnati.”
Production crews from both Cincinnati and Dayton PBS stations spent nearly a day shooting inside and outside a typical Gold Star Chili restaurant on January 13 to film footage that will be used in the February documentary. Footage will feature interviews with customers who describe why Cincinnati-style chili evokes passion and loyalty.