This Father’s Day, Papa John’s is teaming up with Super Bowl XLI–winning head coach Tony Dungy and his charity, All Pro Dad, to recognize fathers for being heroes in their own homes.
For folks who sum up their father using the hashtag #AllProPapa on Twitter, their dads could win a year of free Papa John’s pizza.
“All Pro Dad’s daily ‘Play of the Day’ e-mails emphasize that it’s the little things that make a big difference in a home, whether it’s having breakfast together, discussing the day’s events before bedtime, or building a rapport with your child’s teacher,” Dungy says. “Twitter provides the perfect venue for people to describe the simple acts or family traditions that make their dad an All Pro Papa.”
To be eligible for the grand prize of free Papa John’s pizza for a year, entries must include the hashtag #AllProPapa. Papa John’s and All Pro Dad executives will determine the winner, judging submissions on creativity and love for dads conveyed in 140 characters or less.
In addition to the Twitter contest, $1 of every Papa John’s gift card purchased online during the month of June, up to $30,000, will be donated to All Pro Dad, a national, non-profit organization dedicated to helping men become better fathers.