Domino’s Pizza (NYSE: DPZ – News) today will be celebrating the Phillies’ World Series win by giving away free Philly Cheese Steak Oven Baked Sandwiches to the first 500 fans to visit the Domino’s store located at 716 South State Street in Philadelphia.
Customers who visit the store beginning at 11:00 a.m. should ask for a free Philly Cheese Steak Oven Baked Sandwich to receive the offer, good for one sandwich per customer.
“We want to congratulate the Phillies for achieving the title of baseball’s world champion for the first time in 28 years,” says Tim McIntyre, Domino’s vice president of corporate communications. “We are thrilled to be able to celebrate with the City of Brotherly Love by making good on our sandwich offer.”
The Philly Cheese Steak is the most-ordered Oven Baked Sandwich and is typically No. 1 in an average of 35 states, including Pennsylvania and Florida. The company vowed to show its support for Philadelphia in helping to put its Oven Baked Sandwiches on the map with this special victory day giveaway.