Pitango Gelato Franchise Company, an affiliate of Pitango Gelato, welcomed its first franchisee, Sam Lee. Operating as PG FFX LLC, Lee and his wife Semy Lee plan to be owner-operators of a Pitango Gelato store and are actively looking for a site in Northern Virginia.
Pitango Gelato CEO Dinah Bengur says, “We are excited to welcome Sam and Semy to the Pitango family and know their passion for the brand and their strong retail experience will translate into a successful Pitango franchise.”
Pitango Gelato is a Maryland restaurant group that focuses on crafting artisanal Italian gelato and sorbet. Pitango operates five gelato/coffee shops across Baltimore, Washington, DC, and Virginia, as well as a bakery/café in Baltimore. Founded by Noah Dan in 2007, Pitango produces its own authentic Italian gelato and sorbet on a farm in Baltimore County using simple, natural ingredients like grass-fed organic milk, imported nuts and chocolates and fresh fruits. Every batch of gelato and sorbet is churned on site in each Pitango Gelato shop to ensure peak freshness.