Quiznos, one of North America’s premier quick-service restaurant chains and pioneer of the toasted sub, announced plans to align its supply chain with Global Animal Partnership (GAP) standards in the raising and treatment of chickens, establishing itself as a fast-food category leader in animal welfare practices.
GAP standards are the current industry gold star in chicken welfare policy. They assess the level of welfare of animals on-farm and during transport, including giving the animals space, light and other environmental considerations. Quiznos is committed to ensuring that by 2024, 100 percent of their chicken supply will be GAP certified and processed in a manner that utilizes a pre-shackle multi-step controlled-atmosphere processing system.
“Quiznos has long worked with animal protection organizations like The Humane Society of the United States to address the important matter of animal welfare in our supply chain,” says Susan Lintonsmith, Quiznos CEO. “We’re committed to providing guests great tasting food made from high quality ingredients, and we strive to adopt best practices in animal welfare initiatives.”
This latest move is just one component to Quiznos ongoing commitment to animal welfare best practices. In 2016, the brand announced plans to phase in the exclusive use of cage-free eggs by 2025.
“Quiznos has been a leader in animal welfare and we believe their commitment will inspire other brands to follow suit in the coming months,” says Joyana Hunt, investor engagement specialist at The Humane Society of the United States.