Rick and Morty, stars of the popular Adult Swim original series of the same name, have become part of pop culture advertising history, now staring in their first ever commercial: a 30-second animated piece for Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s. In the spot, which debuted November 30 on Adult Swim, Rick wakes his timid, unsuspecting grandson at 4 a.m. with an urgent message: the introduction of five of the restaurant chains’ most popular burgers personified: the Thickburger El Diablo, the All-Natural Burger, the Western Bacon Cheeseburger, the Jalapeno Thickburger, and Tex Mex Bacon Thickburger.
Known as a leader in the quick-service industry for their unique and innovative menu items, the animated spot plays on some of the fast food chains’ most juicy burger mash-ups.
This Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s custom promo was created and produced by the masterminds behind Rick and Morty, co-creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. Roiland provided the voices for both title characters in the spot, and CKE Restaurants’ media planning and placement agency Initiative and creative agency 72andSunny were involved in its development. The content will air multiple times on Adult Swim throughout the network’s weeklong Rick and Morty programming stunt, wherein fans can re-watch all 10 episodes from the second season in order, from start to finish. The episodes will air through Friday, December 4 at midnight and 12:30 a.m. ET/PT.
To check out the 30-second animated spot before it makes its network premier tonight, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zre9FhhxR7k
Relatedly, Rick and Morty join another Adult Swim megastar, Carl Brutananadilewski from Aqua Teen Hunger Force as celebrity endorsers of the brands and their delicious burgers, but unlike Carl, they kept their clothes on for this one.