Research shows that on average, many of today’s young people are getting only half of the recommended calcium they need each day. To help more children get the recommended three servings of dairy a day, Sonis is adding string cheese as a side item to its Wacky Pack kids meal in September.
Sonic is the first quick-service restaurant chain to introduce this side item.
“String cheese is a perfect food item to maintain a healthy balance, especially if your kids are picky about what they eat,” says Paul Macaluso, vice president of marketing for Sonic, America’s Drive-In. “Kids love string cheese and it’s a fun way to help them get the calcium, protein, and other nutrients they need as part of a balanced diet.”
SONIC is a partner in the 3-A-Day of Dairy program, an educational campaign from Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) and the American Dairy Association. In accordance with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 3-A-Day of Dairy helps educate consumers on the importance of consuming three servings of calcium-rich foods such as milk, flavored milk, cheese or yogurt to help build strong bones among young people.
“There is growing concern that young people aren’t getting sufficient calcium on a daily basis to protect them later on in life from fractures and osteoporosis,” says Marie Krautheim, senior vice president of nutritional affairs at Dairy Management, Inc.
String cheese is the first product introduced as part of an overall initiative to increase meal options for kids. Sonic plans to launch additional wholesome foods throughout the next year including fresh bananas this fall.