Subway has teamed up with Warner Brothers, producers and distributors of entertainment products, to celebrate the “Mil-Looney-Um” from November 15 1999 through January 2, 2000. North American Subway restaurants will be dressed in full party gear and ready to ring in the new year with the Looney Tunes characters.
Subway will be supporting “Mil-Looney-Um” with animated national television advertising during the promotional period featuring the Looney Tunes characters with party items, such as the famous Subway 6-foot submarine sandwich. National television spots will run in conjunction with the “Mil-Looney-Um” worldwide campaign being spearheaded by Warner Brothers Consumer Products and its promotional partners. This is the first animated spot the Subway chain has produced.
Warner Brothers will be celebrating the Mil-Looney-Um across the globe with this marketing initiative. This will include specially created animated programming, events in the Warner Brothers Studio Stores, and home video branding with Mil-Looney-Um stickers.
The Subway Kids’ Pak program will also be breaking new ground, offering 10 different toys featuring the world famous Looney Tunes characters in a “collector clip” series. The clips are about a three-inch diameter and are available with the purchase of a Kids’ Pak meal, which includes a deli-style sandwich, cookie and drink. Each clip features one of the Looney Tunes characters. Kids can collect all 10 and clip their favorite character anywhere.
Adults can also enjoy the famous Looney Tunes characters when they purchase a 32-ounce beverage. The special “Mil-Looney-Um” version Twist ‘n Go cup, Pepsi’s newest plastic cup that features a special twist-on top and twist-open spout, will have graphics featuring the party-themed Looney Tunes characters during the promotional period.
Subway will also be conducting “The Favorite Cookie of the Mil-Looney-Um” Promotion. Each cookie will be represented by one of the Looney Tunes characters, who will act as a campaign manager for the cookie of his choice. Customers can cast their ballots for their favorite Subway cookie and have a chance to win a vacation for four to the Warner Brothers Studios in California.