Taco Bell and Major League Baseball Properties have reached a three-year sponsorship agreement that will make Taco Bell the “Official Quick Service Restaurant” of Major League Baseball.
As part of the agreement, which begins immediately and continues through the 2006 Major League Baseball season, Taco Bell receives exclusive category rights as well as on-site signage and advertising during so-called MLB Jewel Events, including the World Series and the All-Star Game.
“We are excited to form this new corporate partnership with Taco Bell,” said Tim Brosnan, Executive Vice President, Business, Major League Baseball. “The quick-service category is important to our business, and the affiliation with an industry leader like Taco Bell enables us to increase the visibility of our game and engage fans in a variety of promotions designed to enhance the Major League Baseball experience.”
“We know Major League Baseball is a big hit with Taco Bell consumers, so it was natural for us to get into the game in a significant way,” said Debbie Myers, Vice President of Media Services, Taco Bell Corp.
Beginning with 2004 All-Star Week in Houston and in each subsequent year of the agreement, Taco Bell will activate its Major League Baseball sponsorship as the title sponsor of Taco Bell All-Star Sunday and the Taco Bell All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball Game. Taco Bell also will be a participating sponsor in the John Hancock All-Star FanFest, the interactive baseball theme park which draws approximately 100,000 fans with nearly 50 baseball-themed attractions.