On April 15, Tijuana Flats’ chief executive officer, Brad Kaemmer, will join forces with leading executives from around the Raleigh, North Carolina, area for the 2014 CEO Build with Habitat for Humanity. Tijuana Flats’ Just In Queso Foundation is donating $5,000 to support the building efforts as well as providing lunch for all CEOs.
“It is an honor to be invited to partake in the upcoming Habitat for Humanity build. I am proud to represent Tijuana Flats’ Just In Queso Foundation on this project and look forward to making an impact in the Raleigh community,” Kaemmer says.
Thursday, April 17, employees from four Raleigh-Durham Tijuana Flats restaurants will team up in to build an additional home for Habitat for Humanity. Four families in the Chatham, Durham, Orange, and Wake counties in North Carolina will receive new houses as a result of the CEO Project. The dedication of the project is slated to take place in fall of 2014.
Since 2011, the Tijuana Flats Just in Queso Foundation has volunteered 450 hours employee service hours and donated over $15,000 to help build Habitat homes in Orlando, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Tampa, and Ocala in Florida. The foundation plans to assist in additional Habitat for Humanity projects in the Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, area and all major Florida markets in 2014.