On May 31, Vivonet Acquisitions Ltd. launched the next major version of its Kiosk product. The new Vivonet Kiosk 1.1 release added iOS cellular compatibility, along with a variety of other new features that enable restaurants to deploy the product into various operating environments such as stadiums, airports, food trucks, and table service dining.
The iOS cellular compatibility makes it possible for restaurants to place their Kiosks within any cellular provider’s network, meaning Vivonet’s clients can add a new ordering channel to their business by engaging their customers in any high traffic area. With the Kiosk 1.1 release, restaurants can now bring the Point of Sale to where the consumers are.
“Vivonet believes that the POS is rapidly evolving away from its traditional place on the countertop,”says Ryan Volberg, CEO of Vivonet. “Instead of making the customer come into the restaurant to order, the release of Vivonet’s new Kiosk product allows the restaurant to go to customers, anyplace and at anytime. Vivonet’s Kiosk offers a consistent, convenient, and engaging experience tailored to customer convenience and speed of service. And, since it is based on the iOS platform the hardware is affordable, high performing, and familiar to all. Restaurants are big winners too. They enjoy greater throughput and lower costs through improved order accuracy, reduced labor cost, and reduced cash handling. Vivonet's Kiosk is a true win-win for customer and operators.”
All the transactions processed on Vivonet Kiosk via cellular connection are fully connected to the POS ecosystem and can be measured within Vivonet’s Enterprise Manager reporting system. This means restaurants will be able to see how their customer engagement strategy is rolling out in real-time to help them optimize their strategy by making informed decisions.