WAND realized early on that success starts at the employee level. "Everybody here is committed to success by delivering value to our customers each day," says Dave Perrill, president of WAND. "Our employees are rock stars – without them, we wouldn't be where we are." Last year, WAND launched the first phase of their Rock Star initiative, which included creating an employee lounge with new furniture, arcade games, and DirecTV on 55" screens, and making every day jeans day. It's an environment that recognizes and appreciates hard work while promoting fun.
WAND is committed to recruiting, developing, and retaining the best and brightest Rock Stars in the field. Its screening process ensures they get a blend of drive, commitment, and positive attitude to help not only their business, but also their employees, thrive. "We are honored to be recognized by Minnesota Business Magazine. This is a first for WAND," Perrill says. "The best thing about my job is that I get to work with an amazing and talented group of people who really enjoy working as part of a strong team. It's great to see that recognized."