Which Wich brought a little Thanksgiving joy to children this week.
Children's Medical Center of Dallas received boxed lunch turkey wiches on Monday, Nov. 21, in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. As we embark on this holiday season, Which Wich wants to take the time to remember what the vibe is all about.
While many enjoy the blessings of food, friends, and family, Which Wich knows the vibe is dimmed for many of its littlest fans. Which Wich hopes the turkey wiches bring a little bit of home to Children’s Medical Center.
Video of the event will be posted to Which Wich’s YouTube channel. Every time someone views this video, from Thanksgiving Day through Dec. 2, Which Wich will donate 50 cents, for up to 10,000 views, so that the sandwich store may keep spreading the Vibe at Children’s Medical Center.