Women in restaurants, hospitality and technology are joining together to create a professional women’s organization aimed at mentorship, support, and empowerment. Women of Restaurants, Technology and Hospitality (WORTH) launched March 7, 2023, at the Multi-Unit Restaurant Technology Conference.
Founded by Brittany Amerson (Farmers Restaurant Group), Cristal Ghitman (SynergySuite), Deena McKinley (Papa Gino’s), Kim DeCarolis (Fat Brands), Lauren Selman (IFBTA), Suzanne Stopp (IPConfigure), and Tammy K Billings (Aben), WORTH aims to provide a safe space for women to ask questions, share and gain insight into personal and professional challenges in these industries.
“We recognized the conversations we often have between women about our experiences in this industry should have a larger platform, to leverage our commonalities and provide representation, visibility and safety for both industry veterans and women just entering hospitality,” says Ghitman, WORTH cofounder and Director of Strategic Partnerships at SynergySuite. “WORTH is a decentralized group that aims to connect and support women in all areas, from mentorship to advocacy to friendship.”
WORTH has launched an online community through LinkedIn and plans to organize meetups, webinars, conference events, and other opportunities for engagement soon. To get involved in WORTH, please contact the group through their LinkedIn page.