Zaxby’s announced its newest location at 946 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW in Atlanta. A fan favorite for chicken fingers, wings and salads, this fast-casual restaurant will open January 13 and host a week of events leading up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 20. SJAC Food Groups, LLC owns and operates this Zaxby’s. Construction on the MLK Zaxby’s began last summer with a groundbreaking ceremony featuring Dr. Bernice King, CEO of The King Center and the youngest child of Martin Luther King Jr.
“We’re pleased to support this community and provide job opportunities for residents,” says SJAC Food Groups, LLC president and CEO Sterling Coleman. “I grew up in a neighborhood just like this one and it’s critical to show children that look like me that they can do whatever they put their minds to regardless of their beginnings and circumstances. I’m here to inspire others, so I feel a personal connection to the people here and the rich heritage and tradition of this area.”
This Zaxby’s is located at the intersection of four historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs): Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine and Spelman College. It is also surrounded by four historic neighborhoods – Ashview Heights, Washington Park, Vine City and Atlanta University Center.
During the grand opening and the week leading up to MLK Day, 10 percent of all store proceeds will be donated to charity. There will be a series of special events including community and teacher appreciation days, giveaways, a live radio remote and a block party featuring the Atlanta Falcons mascot and cheerleaders.
Coleman has been a Zaxby’s licensee for over 16 years and this will be his ninth Zaxby’s restaurant in the Atlanta area. The new restaurant is expected to provide about 75 jobs in the community.